We got THE CALL an expectant mother chose us! Since then we've been setting up our legal team and other necessary logistics. We have our California facilitator, Texas agency, TX attorney, TX social worker, Rhode Island attorney and RI social worker! Our adoption will be semi-open and we have been getting to know this very nice, loving, and sweet expectant mother we are matched with. She lives in Rhode Island and that is where her baby boy will be born. I will be there with her during delivery and Adam and I will leave the hospital with him when he is discharged. She can't sign the paperwork releasing him to us until at least 48 hours after he is born. That is the plan, but you know how the best laid plans go... Anything can happen, but we have faith that things will work out for the best. After he is discharged from the hospital we will have to wait for RI and TX to clear us which is called ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) in the adoption world. This process can take up to 14 days after he is born then we can fly home! He'll be 10-14 days old when he has his first plane ride?!? We will definitely be booking a non-stop flight to get home as fast as possible!
Please pray for the expectant mother, the baby, and us as we navigate this delicate and miraculous situation. Thanks for all of your support!