Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mothers choose adoption out of love...

If she wasn't choosing adoption, we would never become parents…
When we tell you that we are matched with an expectant mother, please do not get upset if we don't answer all of your questions. Out of respect for our future child(ren), there are some things that will forever be between her, us, and our child.
You will ask us why she is placing, and then you will likely judge her for it. How can she give up her kid, doesn't she know how to prevent a pregnancy, etc? I don't blame you. I thought the same things when I was trying to get pregnant. I can't get pregnant and this woman is just giving her child away. How can she do that? It obvisouly hadn't occurred to me that if she didn't choose adoption, then some people would never become parents. Fast forward to accepting my inability to ever carry my own child. Now the only way for ME to become a mom is for someone to chose adoption. I am now embarrassed to admit my initial feelings, and I regret my original, uneducated thoughts of women who chose adoption for their children. I was only thinking of my own pain and suffering with my inability to get pregnant. I now cringe every time I hear the phrase "giving up a child" children are NOT given up in adoption. They are lovingly placed for adoption by an expectant mother and/or father who want their child to have what they don't feel they are able to provide. There are many reasons that adoption is chosen, but whatever the reason, remember that they could have chosen abortion. Instead, they chose life.

Remember that when people choose adoption they are:

  • putting the child's needs before their own by placing their child with a family that can give them things they can't
  • making a positive choice and blessing someone by making them a family
  • giving them more not giving them up
  • being strong enough to plan ahead for the child's future
  • telling the adoptive parents that they trust them enough to care for their precious baby 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Birthday, Adam

I made my first poppy seed cake today because it's Adam's favorite. As I've said before I love birthdays, especially other people's. I can't wait to do special things for my child(ren)'s birthdays! I also can't wait to help them do special things for their daddy's birthday. Adam was such a cute little guy, and I know he is going to be a great daddy!